Nowadays, young mothers look for advice on raising a baby, on the internet. Yet the most valuable advice often comes from our own mothers… even though they may not be the first we turn to.
In the context of celebrating Mother’s Day, Proderm created an interactive campaign that proves that mothers know best.
An emotional video was created, inspired by the fact that most young mothers seek advice online.In the video, a young mother was asked to test a demo chatbot by Proderm, in order to get all info she needed for her newborn baby. At the end of the video it was revealed that the answers she received were , in reality, given by her own mother, not a Proderm specialist.The activation evolved into two Facebook activations, where consumers were asked to share their experience. Blogger endorsement gave an extra boost to the whole campaign and enhanced virality.
In just 2 weeks the Facebook campaign received more than 5.500 participations and the video itself had more than 610.000 views.